Un trabajador de 33 años, muere de la peor manera: Explosión de un contenedor de solvente (barril de 55 galones).
Causa: Trató de mirar dentro del contenedor y como había poca visibilidad, utilizó su encendedor de cigarrillos para ver dentro del barril. Adicionalmente, en el momento del accidente, hablaba por el celular.
WEST SPRINGFIELD – Investigators have determined that the explosion that took the life of 33-year-old Daniel Martinez at Balise Honda Wednesday morning occurred when he used a disposable lighter to peer inside a 55-gallon drum of flammable cleaning solvent.
The state Fire Marshal’s office released its finding Thursday afternoon.
Martinez, who lived in a house close to the rear of the facility, was employed by Real Clean Automotive Detailing, a subcontractor that performs reconditioning work at the dealership.
The Riverdale Street dealership opened for business Thursday morning and grief counselors were present to talk with grieving co-workers.
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